April 02, 2008

Philanthropy Gravitating Toward GLBT Causes

GLBT activism is here to stay, and wealthy people are realizing that and bequeathing an increasing amount of their estates to support their future activities.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

On a recent Thursday morning, Joseph Rosenthal, 77, drove from his barn-red, four-story house on Buena Vista Terrace to a lawyer's office in the Castro, where he quietly transferred a substantial part of his estate to the endowment fund of the Horizon Foundation, a grant-giving organization for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

"I have almost no family living at this time," said Rosenthal, a retired librarian. "Certainly, not having children prompts one to consider other options, such as supporting charitable organizations in the area of my particular interest."

The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movement has traditionally depended on smaller, grassroots donations for specific causes. But more aging philanthropists like Rosenthal, whose generation was the first to be "out," are making end-of-life gifts to help secure the future of the community.

"If I had died in 1980, I would have had no idea that the HIV epidemic was around the corner," said retired venture capitalist David Gleba, 45, who has contributed more than $250,000 to the Horizon Foundation. "After I am gone, I would like to see the part of my estate continue to work in succeeding the younger generation."

Helping insure equality for generations to follow is a wonderful way to leave a mark on society.

You can read the rest of the Chronicle article here.

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