April 04, 2008

A Dream For the GLBT Community

Todd Ferrell, President of "The Evangelical Network," honored the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assasination by embodying the spirit of his "I Have a Dream" speech in his dream for the GLBT community:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, America's social and civil rights leader, had a dream. A dream where one day his life, the lives of his children and friends would no longer be judged by the color of their skin. Where one day, the white and black man could live as one. That dream lives on today. And on a day such as today, I too have a dream.

I have a dream of the day when anti-gay commentaries from unthinking people with large churches, national platforms, "Christian" television programs, or are a member of some "Christian" organization who think they know the "truth" about gays and lesbians will be silenced. . . .when their motivations will be revealed and God's truth will be shown forth.

I have a dream that the whispered gossiping behind people's backs in temples, cathedrals, churches and synagogues of "did you know that so-and-so was lesbian? Did you know that such-and-such was gay? will be called out by congregants walking in the truth of who God is.

I have a dream where Politicians who strive to pass laws of exclusion will be stifled and be removed from office and no more will we be blamed by the Moral Majority people who profess that gays/lesbians are the reason for the World Trade Center disasters, Hurricane Katrina or whatever the disaster of the moment is.

I have a dream of a day when suicides by gays and lesbians raised in a homophobic society will cease. And no more will so-called "Christians" feel so sorry for their families because of the shame associated with having a gay son or lesbian daughter.

I have a dream of the day that our gay and lesbian national leaders, who are clueless of what is in the Holy Bible about homosexuality, will awaken to the Good News of the Gospel for our community and no longer will our community feel their only hope is found in atheism or agnosticism.

I have a dream of the day when our military and their "don't ask, don't tell" line will be dropped because of their homophobia.

I have a dream of the day when ex-gay leaders will wake up and recognize the lies and half-truths they so righteously defend. I dream of the day when these people don't wake up and say, "it has been four years, six months and 22 days since I have been with a man sexually." And then the next day waking to say, "it has been four years, six months and 23 days since I have been with a man sexually." I dream of the day when people finally embrace the scripture which states: "I have come to give them life and the more abundantly." Where is the abundant living for them when they wake up just to drudge through one more day?

I have a dream of the day when junior and senior high school students no more are called "faggot" or "lesbo" in the hallways and gyms. I dream of the day when parents and teachers no longer tolerate it and call it out.

I dream of the day, I dream of the day!

I hope straight allies can embrace Todd's dream and help to make it a reality in our lifetime!

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