May 18, 2007

A Majority in U.S. Support GLBT Inclusion in Hate-Crimes Bill

From The Advocate:

A new Gallup poll indicates that a majority of Americans support the hate-crimes bill now before Congress.

"This new national poll continues to reiterate how incredibly out of touch right-wing organizations are with the will of the American people and underscores the need for the Senate to pass the bill," said Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese in a written statement.

"I hope President Bush will look at this poll and realize how unbelievably out of line a threatened veto of this critical crime-fighting piece of legislation is with a majority of Americans."

According to the HRC, when the poll was broken down by self-identified demographic subgroups, 60 percent of Republicans; 69 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats support passage of the hate-crimes bill.

Regular churchgoers' support of the bill was less strong than others, but even they polled 64 percent in support. Seventy-three percent of people who attend church seldom or never said they support the bill.

Here is a direct link to The Gallup Poll site so you can peruse the results youself.