February 09, 2010

Matthew 25 Resource 2/9/10-Carpenter's Shelter (Alexandria, VA)

Our Vision

A community where all live safely and affordably.

Our Mission

To end homelessness through services, education and advocacy.

Our doors have been open since 1988 – a long time. But today we are still working tirelessly to overcome homelessness among children, families, and adults. Our job ends when homelessness ends, when all people can become contributing members of their community.

When you go home at night, do you think, “Everyone deserves to live in safe, affordable housing”?

We know in our hearts this is true. We teach positive ways of living to clients aimed at preventing repeated episodes of homelessness. Our services provide six interrelated programs, which form a continuum of care all the way through to Aftercare, for those who reach independent living in the community.

Only with your help are we able to do what we do every day – improve people’s lives. Carpenter’s Shelter is a nexus where volunteers, donors, and corporate sponsors come together to end homelessness together. People of all walks of life, in addition to other nonprofits, businesses and congregations are essential to our mission, and form our Strategic Alliances.

With your help, we envision an environment for people we serve, where:

•All live as independently and self-reliantly as possible.
•Quality permanent housing is available for all income levels.
•Local/regional/state governments allocate all the resources necessary to prevent homelessness.

Click here to find out more.

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