February 28, 2010

Affirming Resource 3/1/10-True Love Apostolic Church, Indianapolis, IN

Our Vision is local in our desiring to build a strong GLBTS affirming, prayerful, worshiping, loving, cutting-edge, tolerant, accepting Apostolic Pentecostal fellowship in the Indianapolis Metropolitan area. A church that does 4 things: 1. Glorifies God with our worship, attitude, and actions. 2. Edifies each other by equipping and discipling ourselves to be all God wants us to be for others and ourselves. 3. Reaches out to provide hope and help to those disenfranchised from church or without God in their lives. 4. Provides a refuge from the storms and trials of life. Our vision is to present quality ministry to the many different needs of as many persons as possible. Our vision is national in being actively involved in seeking to establish other churches or connect with existing churches in other cities across the United States, and the development of ministers and laborers to be sent to the harvest field. Our vision is global in that we promote missions around the world that preach the accepting, affirming, and anointed Gospel.

Click here to find out more.

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