January 25, 2010

Encouraging Words 1/25/10-BCF Praise Report

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm, steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord-always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord- knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile- it is never wasted or to no purpose.

1st Corinthians 15:58 AMP

Greetings BCF Family & Friends!

REJOICE and BE GLAD, AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE! God is moving and blessing His Church in so many awesome and exciting ways in this hour! Garrey and I have just returned from the annual Pastor's Retreat hosted by Joshua Ministries and led by Dennis & Evelyn Schave- down in Houston, Texas. It was more wonderful than we imagined it would be! The love, the fellowship, the meekness of spirit amongst everyone, and the awesome times of worship and discussion/activities prepared by Brother Dennis all ministered to everyone in ways that we can't easily explain. It was just GOOD- like our God! He knew what we all needed, and He made a way. We were especially blessed and recognized what a profound gathering it truly was as we connected and reconnected with parts of the Body of Christ that we haven't seen in a long while or ever met. I am so pleased to report to you of the sincerity of heart, the humility of character, the depth and levels of spiritual maturity, and the evidence of a people who really love Jesus was all present in our leadership. This is the NEW MOVE of God and these are among the many across the world that God has been doing a deep work in to prepare us to guide and equip the Church in these last days before Christ returns. Garrey has a real gift for discernment, and his discerner said, "This is the real thing!" Praise God! So, please continue to pray for the Lord's Five-fold leadership that He is raising up, we truly are a blessed People!

It was great to be back in worship at BCF yesterday. Although attendance was very low, those who attended had a great time together with the Lord.

Pastor Tony in Dallas taught us some wonderful songs at the Pastor's Retreat, so we learned three new ones yesterday- love them, THANKS PASTOR TONY! The Word of the Lord exhorted the Church to continue to be steadfast in our prioritizing the Kingdom of God and fellowshipping together as the Church. God has called each of us to be PILLARS in His House and reminds us that each and every one of us are needed and important in the well-functioning of the Church. Every one of us have an anointing from the Lord and when we don't faithfully DO what He has called us to do, we can stagnate and weaken.

The KEY to remaining steadfast and faithful every day and week to the things of the Lord is A REVELATION OF WHO JESUS CHRIST IS! He is NOT just a good man, He is NOT just a prophet in the Bible, JESUS IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD IN THE FLESH! When we speak of Him being worthy- I believe that each of us need a fresh and BIGGER revelation of exactly what that means! HE IS GOD! When He calls us to His presence for worship-WE MUST RESPOND! When He is present- WE MUST RESPOND! Sometimes we become complacent and forget that we are talking about GOD! That our purpose in gathering for church services is to worship GOD- and when we gather HE IS PRESENT!

HOW SHOULD YOU BEHAVE WHEN GOD IS PRESENT!???! Are you going to sit back on your laurels and not Honor the Lord? Aren't you going to jump up to your feet as though the Queen of England, or a bride in a wedding has just walked into the room? The Lord is DUE all of our honor and worship! My goodness, don't forget WHO we worship and WHO HE IS, and WHAT He has done for you! We need some honest-to-goodness waking up to God! We need some good-'ol PENTACOSTAL HOLY SPIRIT FIRE to shake us up! I guarantee that if Jesus walked into the room of your worship service you wouldn't just sit there! You also wouldn't be all that quiet! You would jump up to your feet and SHOUT PRAISES TO THE LORD! And then....we'd all probably fall flat on our faces in humble adoration!

DO NOT BE COMPLACENT- now is the time to stir up the Gifts and the FIRE of the Spirit in your being! Jesus Christ is coming soon- we ALL know that, so why is it that we all too often act like it's a fantasy and not really going to happen! IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Stir yourself up, rededicate your life to Christ, GIVE EXCELLENCE AND THE BEST OF YOURSELF to the Lord! He is WORTHY AND DESERVES IT! Whether any other Believer takes this serious or not- YOU take it serious! I was recently reminded that after Jesus' resurrection, He appeared to 500 people before He ascended to the Father, and He told them all to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come. When the Day of Pentacost finally came, only 120 people bothered to show up!!! Where were the other 380? I guess they were tired, or had to work, maybe it was a rainy day and good sleeping weather, or maybe they just didn't bother to really take Jesus serious- but any way you look at it, THEY MISSED OUT on what God had in store for them- simply because they didn't show up! Are you showing up? Are you really obeying God and His commands? Do you really and genuinely believe that these are the Last Days and the Lord Jesus is coming soon? If so- then ALL THE MORE be steadfast, immoveable, and get busy building God's Kingdom and being a part of the Family of God! That way when you stand before Him, you will hear Him say to you- "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

We continue to pray for you daily and we sincerely LOVE YOU with the love of the Lord. Keep praying for us, too- we have a lot to accomplish and we need your prayers, your support, and your involvement!

In Faithfulness and Love, and with the blessing of SHALOM!

Ap Dale

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