July 05, 2008

Happy Holiday Weekend

For those of you who are not U. S. residents like us, the Fourth of July weekend is a big deal in these parts. We had the opportunity to host a picnic for about 30 members of our church, friends, neighbors, and relatives yesterday. The highlight was the baptism of four people in our new church-provided pool. Afterwards, a spirited game of water volleyball broke out, and everyone enjoyed the boutiful provisions and music provided by Apostle Dale.

We are deeply blessed to be renting a home that is large enough to provide us the opportunity to do things like this. We asked for this as we prayed while we were seeking our new home and that, like so many of our prayers, was answered.

We always find it, well, really neat, to watch people interact at gatherings like this--christians and non-christians, friends and church members, people who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to break bread together and share a conversation. You just never know how hearing a different perspective from someone might change their own outlook on life.

Anyway, that's all from us until Monday. Have a great weekend everyone. For our American readers, if you haven't done so already, please take a few moments and appreciate the freedoms we enjoy (although they have been diminished over the last few years) and how great this country still is, despite the efforts of our leaders.

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