December 19, 2007

The Catholics Think I Am Committing a Moral Sin

No, really, they think I am doing some bad, bad stuff. There's this quote from the Roman Catholic Coadjutor Archbishop John Nienstedt:

"Those who actively encourage or promote homosexual acts or such activity with a homosexual lifestyle formally cooperate in grave evil and, if they do so knowingly and willingly, are guilty of mortal sin."

Well then, let's just move directly to Go, collect the $200, and then head straight to Hell. Not only GLBT but their allies, like me, are doomed.

Makes you wonder where all those gay priests fit into the scheme of things, especially those who don't stay celebate, but that's another post for another day.

Here is an excellent response to that statement by the Roman Catholic church by Ann Marie DeGroot, the executive director of OutFront Minnesota, an entire organization made up of people considered guilty of mortal sins.

I am careful to specify that this is the work of the Roman Catholics. I have run across some independent Catholic churches and smaller denominations with Catholic principles that are open and affirming, so let's not throw them under the bus.

You know, like the Roman Catholics did with us.


  1. You's amazing -- even by canon law, it's NOT a mortal sin. But many of the Roman leadership 'make-stuff-up-as-they-go-along'.

    It's a good thing that the Roman Catholic church is not the only Catholic game in town.


  2. I am a beloved member of a Catholic church here in Aptos, California. I am a transsexual woman and am respected as a music minister. There is so much prejudice that needs to be put aside. Even St. Paul exhibits strong judgment at times. Perhaps many people are struggling with internalized shame surrounding their deepest fears about sexuality. St. Paul certainly must have had some serious issues of his own. Maybe someday we will all learn to love one another and avoid judgment as the Lord commands.

  3. I hope our Catholic friends will think about what I am going to say, and not be offended...........

    We ought to stop letting the church define mortal sin, and help the world understand that parts of the church doctrine are one of the mortal sins of our generation, as was the church guilty of mortal sins in the past, e.g. the murder of 50 million muslims in the name of God, though really to steal the treasures of the middle east, while Europe wallowed in the dark ages. Then an estimated million mostly women were burned at the stake as witches, based on accusations and guilt / innocence defined by whether bugs and vermin attacked them in a filthy cage - note quite a jury of one's peers, now we know where that idea came from. And of course the inquisition, where tens of thousands were tortured and murdered for daring to challenge the church on their superstitions e.g. the world was flat.

    Today the church is headed by a man who marched, willingly or unwillingly, as a youth in Hitlers parades. One might think he would know what absolutism can bring, but the best analogy for his previous job was akin to being the head of a secret police unit in the church dedicated to insuring purity of the church doctrine and insuring adherence to it. Reminds one of Mr Putin, certainly a questionable character, and former head of the KGB. We should also note that Hitler was born a Catholic, and apparently attended a seminary.

    And I've always define much of the church as the terrorism of you will go to hell if you don't do as they say, and the promise that death isn't death if you kow-tow to their demands for power over you, and money to support them. It has been said over and over that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and consider that in the context of those who claim to speak for God.

    Who are these evil people to tell us who is to be condemned? Who are they to dare do the condemning? How different are they then the Imams and Mullahs, except in degree, who give the world Saudi Arabia, the Taliban, etc - our modern day window into Catholicism of the past, still in need of some bleaching treatments.

    And lets not forget that the Catholic heirarchy is totally male dominated - patriarchal. And the battle over LGBT equality is the great challenge to that male dominated mentality, just as giving women the right to vote, the right to work, to hold political office, to end a rotten marriage to a domineering u know what male, were previous battles. And look at the battles to ordain women in conservative churches, little different then that for ordaining gay/lesbin ministers today.

    What we need is not ex-gay ministries, but ex Roman Catholic Ministries. It is about time. Yes, there are some independent Catholic Churches, e.g. the Old North American Catholic Church and others. If you are Catholic, go find them, and don't let the enemies of progress terrorize you any more, I don't.
