June 13, 2007

Montgomery County, MD Adds Teaching About Homosexuality to School Cirriculum

From the Washington Post and Washington Times:

The Montgomery County school board yesterday approved new lessons on sexual orientation for use in every middle and high school, introducing homosexuality and gender identity in health classes where they have not been discussed except in response to a question from a student.

Two lessons, totaling 90 minutes, will be added to health courses in grades 8 and 10 in the fall, along with a 10th-grade lesson and instructional DVD on the correct use of a condom. The curriculum revisions, while short, place Montgomery in the forefront of a movement toward more candor in teaching about homosexuality in public schools.

"I know that these issues are not without emotion," said Superintendent Jerry D. Weast, speaking yesterday in a televised meeting. "But I do think this is the right thing to do. And I also think it needs to be done in the right way."

An advisory committee of parents and educators recommended in a memo to Mr. Weast Thursday that five statements be added to the lessons: that fleeting, same-sex attraction does not determine sexual orientation; that homosexuality is neither a disease nor a mental illness; that homosexuality is not a choice; that homosexuals can live "happy, successful lives"; and that children raised by same-sex couples "do just as well" as those raised by heterosexuals.

Mr. Weast said he deferred to staff recommendations after March test runs in six schools and declined to implement the advisory committee's requests. He denied that outside pressure forced the change.

Board member Patricia O'Neill, who voted for the curriculum, acknowledged that there are strong feelings on both sides of the issue and described tactics by some opponents as "incredibly hostile" and "bigoted."

Congratulations to the Montgomery County School Board and the organization Teach The Facts,
which worked very hard to educate people and rally support for this progressive cirriculum.

Ultimately, the real winners here are the students that will receive an education beyond the hatred and bigotry of some fundamentalist churches. This will only help boys and girls gain an early understanding of the sexuality and help those who are truly gay or lesbian come out earlier and learn to build a life as they really are instead of going through adolesence as a straight person, then relearning social skills when they later understand who they are.

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