April 04, 2010

Live Affirming Worship at Rainbow Community Church Sunday @ 9:00 PM est

Click here to join Rainbow Community Church in Vancouver, BC Canada for worship via a live video stream at 9:00 PM est.

You can also view video of previous services at the same link.

We are a Christian, evangelical, non-denominational, community-based church seeking to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ; which are simple, loving, and inclusive.

We consist of a group of people from mixed church backgrounds. We are concerned about people, not labels. Rainbow Community Church is a place where ALL people are welcome. Our desire is to create a place where we can worship and serve God as the people He created us to be. A place to be at home: spiritually, emotionally, socially and relationally.

We have a motto, "The Church that Jesus is building". As love is such a force in our lives - we all look for love, need to be loved and need to give love - our goal as a community of believers is to be filled with God's love; to share God's unconditional love; to demonstrate God's love to others - whoever they are, whatever their background; to declare and show by our actions that God loves all and has no pre-existing conditions for loving all of His creations - especially you and me.

Rainbow Community Church desires to help reconcile all people to God through sharing the Word of God by way of preaching, teaching, seminars, music and community involvement.

We desire to encourage each other in living a Christ-centred life. We desire to network with other churches that have a special outreach to our community. We understand you, like many of us, may have been hurt by the voice of church people.

Regardless of what you were told or how you were treated, God loves you unconditionally. You are His child through faith in Jesus Christ.
 Visitors are always welcome. If you don't have a church home, we invite you to consider making Rainbow Community Church of Vancouver yours. We look forward to proudly serving our community for many years to come.

Click here to find out more.


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