July 23, 2008

"Christian Beliefs" vs. Job responsibilities

From PinkNews UK:

Two leading gay Christian organisations have said that an employment tribunal victory for London registrar Lillian Ladele is "disappointing."

The tribunal ruled that Ms Ladele had been discriminated against by employer. Islington Council, because of her refusal to carry out civil partnerships for LGBT couples on the grounds of her orthodox Christian beliefs.

Ms Ledele originally swapped with colleagues to avoid performing gay and lesbian ceremonies after civil partnerships became legal in 2005.
After formal complaints were made against her, an internal disciplinary investigation began.

I respect Ms. Ledele's right to her beliefs, but to use them as an acceptable reason not to perform the required functions of her job is troubling and, I fear, a very slippery slope.

How far can this principle be taken? What religious beliefs are allowable to avoid execution of someone's job and what ones aren't? Who can truly make an objective decision like that without having their religious beliefs influencing it?

It seems clear to me--if your professed religious views prevent you from fully performing your job, it's time to find another job and allow someone with different beliefs, ones that comply with the law, performing that one.

Click here to read the entire report on Pink News.

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