January 12, 2008

Buffalo Episcopal Churches Apologize to Gay People

This seems to be a week for apologies, and here's another one from a group of Episcopal churches in Buffalo, NY.

From Outcome, Buffalo's Gay Newspaper with a hat tip to my friend Allan Hendricks from Equality Florida:

In an open letter to gay people in Western New York, leaders of Episcopal congregations in Buffalo offered an apology and asked forgiveness from gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. The letter further emphasized that they offer gay people, welcoming and loving religious congregations.

An email sent to Outcome by The Reverend Armand John Kreft, Rector Church of the Ascension, offered their support of GLBT people in their battles with hatred, bigotry, prejudice and violence. The group of City of Buffalo Churches further make clear that GLBT people are welcomed by their congregation. "•Staff

The full text of the letter follows:

Contact: The Reverend Armand John Kreft, Rector Church of the Ascension 716-884-6362 COTAB@Verizon.net
Date: January 11, 2008
An Open Letter to the GLBT Community:

We leaders of Episcopal congregations in Buffalo want to offer our apology and ask forgiveness from the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community. For centuries the institutional church and organized religion have slandered, tortured, disenfranchised and sometimes murdered members of the community. We ask forgiveness for using our Sacred Scriptures to wrongly justify hatred, bigotry, prejudice and violence against those of different affectional orientation and gender identification, both in the past and, unfortunately, still today.

As leaders of congregations, some of us openly gay and lesbian, we are humbled and vow to use our influence to change not only our religions but our laws that seek to marginalize the GLBT community. If you would like to seek an organized religion, we would urge you to attend as many different denominations and spiritual paths as you can. There are several that will welcome you. If you wish to seek an Episcopal Church, those of us listed below promise a welcoming and loving community for you, and/or your partner and your children.


St. Paul’s Cathedral Church 128 Pearl Street Buffalo
Church of the Ascension 16 Linwood Avenue at North St Buffalo
St. John’s – Grace Church 51 Colonial Circle Buffalo
Church of the Good Shepherd 96 Jewett Parkway Buffalo
St. Phillips Church 18 Sussex Street Buffalo
Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua 1114 Delaware Avenue Buffalo
Ephphatha Church of the Deaf 96 Jewett Parkway Buffalo

It's never easy to admit you were wrong, and it's even harder to do so publicly, so in realizing that I commend these churches for stepping forward for what they now understand to be the right thing to do.


  1. could anything be more representative of being led and serving of the spirit, and affirming of loving your neighbor as yourself?

  2. Hi Jim: This is more good news regarding a parish in the Anglican Communion in Canada. The fracturing of the Anglican Communion is, in my opinion, a forgone conclusion.
