October 15, 2007

This Just In: Christians Considered Judgemental and Anti-Gay

The Barna Group has released results of a survey conducted among people ages 16-29 that reveals a very negative perception of Christians and Christianity in general.

From the USA Today:

Majorities of young people in America describe modern-day Christianity as judgmental, hypocritical and anti-gay. What's more, many Christians don't even want to call themselves "Christian" because of the baggage that accompanies the label.

A new book based on research by the California-based research firm The Barna Group found that church attitudes about people in general and gays in particular are driving a negative image of the Christian faith among people ages 16-29.

"The Christian community's ability to take the high road and help to deal with some of the challenges that this (anti-gay) perception represents may be the ... defining response of the Christian church in the next decade," said David Kinnaman, Barna Group president and author of the book, UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity.

"The anti-homosexual perception has now become sort of the Geiger counter of Christians' ability to love and work with people."

This is a very strong final statement and one that I strongly agree with. Christ did not show any indication of witholding his love from someone based on their sexual orientation, yet many Christians do just that under the guise of "hate the sin, love the sinner." Guess what part of that comes across the most clearly to people? I've said this before but it bears repeating; we are a LOT better at hating than loving, and if try to combine the two, hate will invariably rule the day.

If people can not clearly see the light of Christ in the life and through the actions of a Christian, that is way off the mark from the example Jesus set for us to live by.

Apparently people notice that.


  1. Nice statements. I do agree that we should start showing them love, the way that Christ showed it. Christians today, need to start building bridges, not walls. Thank you.

  2. Speaking of Christians being considered anti-gay, here in Renton, WA (a fairly progressive suburb of Seattle), one of our state's biggest anti-gay marriage activists is running for city council. Over 90% of her funding is coming from outside the city, most of it from a conservative megachurch, where her husband is a pastor. Her anti-gay views haven't been publicized, but I'm aiming to change that. Please join the discussion at http://rentonfacts.blogspot.com.If you wouldn't mind linking to my blog in a separate posting, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

    Renton Citizen

  3. All people are welcome in the house of God, and only he knows what dwells in ones heart. Remember that accepting Jesus requires one to change what is in one's heart. When you have been born again he will lead you on the right path.

    It is unfortunate that there are shrill Christians who see it as their duty to rail against those who clearly are not right with God, but that is not the message of the Bible.

    On the other hand, those on the radical end of the Gay movement are trying to force everyone to agree with them.

    Both sides are wrong, but that is normal when dealing with the extremes in a movement.

  4. When I was down for the Renewal conference two weeks ago, I spotted Unchristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity... the book that is most likely the basis of this USA Today article.

    I made a note of it then, and this post (yeah, I'm just catching up) reminded me. I also have a Borders discount coupon with this book's name on it...

