May 24, 2007

Wayne Besen's Take on the Current Status of the Religious Right

As usual, columinst Wayne Besen does not pull any punches in his latest column, titled "The Right's Crisis in Confidence."

While the religious right is down, they certainly are not out. Falwell, for example, built Liberty University and the Liberty Counsel, his legal arm, to train activists to carry on his shameful legacy. Surprisingly, Liberty has one of the top ranked debate teams in the nation, where students learn apologetics so they can effectively argue, rather than apologize, when they offend others.

The media is busy anointing new religious leaders to supposedly take the place of the outgoing Falwell-Robertson-Dobson-Kennedy Axis of Ignorance. They seem to think Rick Warren, the author of the bestseller, "The Purpose Driven Life" is the logical successor.

Warren, who gives sermons in tacky Hawaiian shirts, is portrayed as dripping with compassion because he and his wife minister to AIDS victims. While they deserve credit for helping the sick, they are far from moderate on social issues. In fact, Warren supports the "ex-gay" message, which heaps shame on gay men - leading to more HIV cases. I guess, after he breaks down their self-esteem, leading to reckless sexual behavior, he'll take care of them.

It is a measure of how far to the right Falwell and others of his ilk have moved society that troglodytes like Warren are considered "moderate." This is hardly a record to be proud of, and in their hearts, many social conservatives know their movement has harmed this nation.

Leave it to a gay man to find fault with how a religious leaders dresses. I find some of Besen's points rather harshly stated, but, as I often do, I found a lot of truth in what he wrote. I particularly hope he is correct in how social conservatives are viewing their movement.

Perhaps the most damning piece I have read about Falwell was written by Ann Coulter:

Let me be the first to say: I ALWAYS agreed with the Rev. Falwell.

What's that old saying, you can tell a lot about a person by who his friends are?


  1. Who "his" friends are... aren't you refering to coulter?

  2. *shock*

    By goodness, let her be the ONLY one to say that!
