May 30, 2007

Is the Same-Sex Marriage "Battle" Equivalent to World War II?

The title is, of course, a ridiculous question. Unfortunately, it is the premise for a letter sent out by MassResistance, the lobbying group that is trying to push same-sex marriage, legal in Massachusetts, onto a ballot referendum. Here is an excerpt, the entire letter is printed on Pam's House Blend:

This Memorial day, here in Massachusetts in 2007, the homosexual lobby dominates our State House, and is filing bills to push their agenda further than ever. They have homosexual clubs in high schools across the state. They use state money to bring kids downtown to mingle with adult cross-dressers and other hard-core activists. A federal judge ruled that schools can show picture books to elementary school children about homosexual romance. And our political leaders help raise money for their movement.

Sixty-five years from today, what will people remember about what you did to stop them? Will you dedicate yourself to this fight?

World War Two was won with guns and bullets and bombs. This war will be won with truth and fearlessness. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that we can and will prevail completely. Our adversary's movement has the illusion of indomitable strength, but at is really a house of cards, held up by threats and intimidation and a dysfunctional ideology. If you are willing to fight - to tell the truth and not be afraid - it will fall.

There is one difference from 1942. Today, one of the biggest obstacles in this battle is the mainstream conservative movement itself - our side. They value "dignity" and "polite behavior" over speaking the harsh and uncomfortable truth. They preach prayer as a way to avoid taking action. They seek to compromise as a way to avoid conflict. They talk about differences of opinion as a way to avoid facing good versus evil. It subverts our efforts and causes terrible results.

Did people in 1942 talk about respecting the Nazis "choice" of political philosophy? Or that we ought to consider letting Japan have Korea and the Solomon Islands if they'd let us have the Philippines - because that's what the "experts" say we could work out?

Don't listen to them. It's a false promise. It's extremely tempting but it's the road to hell.

Just when you think the right wing can't stoop any lower, they manage to pull it off. How dare this organization insult the brave men who risked, and often lost, their lives to defend the United States from a true threat of tyrany. How dare they diminish the sacrifices the people on the home front had to make to support this effort, from long separations from loved ones to rationing of gas, nylon, and other basic staples needed for the war effort. How dare they compare people who merely want the right to marry without in any way, shape, or form infringing on the rights of anyone else, to the freakin' Nazis!

If anyone is on the road to hell, it is the person or people who wrote this abomination of a letter.


  1. Wait a minute. We're being likened to Hitler now?! Last time I looked, I wasn't advocating killing anyone. Where do they get this stuff? If anyone is like the Nazis, it's the hatemonger who wrote this letter.

  2. Exposing their logic will help defeat them. Let's keep passing on this ridiculous letter.
