September 14, 2006

Fear Is Not a Christian Value

One of the primary tactics the Bush administration and his republican allies use to try and bolster their diminishing support is fear. They want us to believe that any policy that disagrees with what they want to do will open the door for another major terrorist attack.

The religious right is taking that cue in their latest campaign to portray their ilk as victims whose right to preach the gospel is being threatened. Tony Perkins, head of the right-wing Family Research Council, used Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich's removal of a member of the Washington area transit board for calling homosexuals "persons of sexual deviancy" as a prime example of this.

As usual, one can not objectively connect the dots in these folks' logic. The board member was a public servant, not a preacher standing at a pulpit. Any rational person knows a public official should not discriminate against any group of people he serves.

I will admit that I have seen some isolated cases where the interpretation of "hate speech" in a worship environment has been stretched further than I would take it, but this is still a very lame basis to strike fear into the hearts of right-wing voters. Anyone who claims that individuals' right to preach the gospel is only manipulating people by twisting and distorting facts.

Those are Christian values either.


  1. What a great site! Thanks for being on the web and for being so open and honest. You are doing much good!

  2. When that story came out about the official being fired, the first thing I thought to myself was "He's a PUBLIC SERVANT"...He works for the people, everyone, not himself. So the fireing was justified.
    These religious right taliban people are all NUTCASES, who cry to momma everytime someone questions them,...well BOO HOO!!!
