September 08, 2006

"Faithful Democrats" Site Launches

Republicans can be faithful Christians, but faithful Christians don't have to be republicans, no matter how much Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, and Pat Robertson want you to think otherwise.

In an effort to promote that idea, a group of religious leaders, political figures, bloggers, and other "regular Americans" have just started a site called "Faithful Democrats."

Under the section "Who We Are," they posted:

"We don't believe that good Christians have to be Democrats. Nor do we believe that one religion has a monopoly on faith. But we make no apologies for rooting our identity as Democrats in our faith as Christians. That is who we are. And we are eager to act on our beliefs to make the country we love a more just and compassionate place."

Their mission is stated as:

"To provide a Christian-focused, Democratic community online. Through both dialogue and action, readers will be able to put their faith to work for the common good, holding our nation and the Democratic Party to their highest ideals."

Here is an Associated Press story on the site launch.

I applaud the idea and hope that it will attract visitors with open minds who can accept that Christ is not a card-carrying Republican. After all, I think that if Jesus registered to vote in today's world, he would be an independent.

Boy, wouldn't that just frost a lot of the religious right leaders?

1 comment:

  1. Great blog that you have here and a good story on Faithful Democrats. I was so excited to hear about that website. I just registered and started blogging there myself. I would encourage you to do the same and then link to your own site as I am going to do. Should drive up traffic and we all need to group together to get one mobilized force to show the truth.
