April 16, 2006

There Are No Limits to Jesus

Matthew 28: 17-18 (after he had risen following his crucifixion) When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

There are no limits to Jesus. He told us so himself. He has authority over everything! He demonstrated that by rising up from the dead!

Have you been so badly hurt by loved ones that you can't imagine your life every being right? Jesus can heal that pain--after all, he rose from the dead.

Have you dealt with condemnation of those who call themselves Christians and feel like you could never be welcomed into Christ's church? That's not the case. Jesus loves us all--he allowed himself to be brutally murdered and rose from the dead for each and every one of us.

Have you committed sin that you believe God can never forgive you for? He CAN forgive. he sent Jesus to earth to die and arise to pay the price for our sins. If we seek forgiveness, it is ours; not because we deserve it, but because Jesus rose from the dead.

Is there anything in your life you think is broken beyond repair? Is there an emptiness that you can't imagine could ever be filled?

Then you are wrong! Jesus can do it. He has authority over everything on heaven and earth.

After all, he rose from the dead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Found your blog about Christ... great! Please check mine as well http://the-way-i-see-it-john.blogspot.com/ and see whether you want to link it? Warm greerings,

