June 05, 2009

Ho Hum, Another State Makes Same-Sex Marriage Legal

Well, it's not quite a ho-hum situation--yet--but it's not earth-shattering news either anymore when same-sex marriage gains full legal recognition in a state.

Today, it was New Hampshire:

Governor John Lynch, a Democrat, signed the bill shortly after legislators in the northeastern state approved the measure, his spokesman Colin Manning said.

The lower house passed the bill earlier Wednesday by a simple majority. The upper house has already passed the same draft law.

Lynch had indicated he would give his signature provided there was protection for the rights of religious groups opposing gay marriage, something legislators said is achieved in the bill.

In a statement after the vote, the lower house said the bill “distinguishes between civil and religious marriage and says that any two individuals have a right to a civil marriage. It also leaves it up to each religion whether to recognize and officiate over same-sex marriages.”

In April after a vote in the state senate, Lynch had said he recognized the issue was “intensely passionate and personal, and raises strong emotions on all sides.”

That last quote is a bit of an understatement but at least it is a recognition of reality.

Hopefully more people across the nation will recognize the reality of this trend in our society against discrimination and toward equality for ALL of God's children.

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