November 04, 2008

What Are You Afraid Of?

For those of you who will vote tomororow in states that are considering constitutional amendments that would prohibit same-sex marriage (especially Proposition 8 in California and Proposition 2 in Florida), I ask you onto consider one important question as you cast your ballot:

What are you afraid of?

How does the prospect of same-sex couples receiving the full legal rights of marriage change anyone else's life?

How does the right for same-sex couples to transfer property and visit each other in the hospital just like traditional married couples hurt you?

How does the fact that Bill and Tom can marry hurt Joe and Jane's marriage?

How does Sue and Sally's legal right to marry threaten to increase the divorce rate which usually hovers around 50%.

I believe that if the right of same-sex couples is a threat to your marriage, that is more of a reflection on the health of your relationship than it is an indictment of anyone else.

I believe that the notion of homosexuality being sinful, even in committed relationships, says more about your lack of understanding of the power of God's love than it does any sinful behavior on their part.

Are you afraid of being wrong, that what you've been taught all your life was a mistake, perhaps even an intentional life?

It's never too late to correct that.

Casting a vote for equality in marriage would be a good step in that direction.

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