July 08, 2008

Right-Wing Coalition Issues "Declaration of American Values"

This 10-point document looks like a typical right-wing (perhaps even far-right) political platform, but to have it attributed to "evangelical leaders" sickens me and gives yet another black eye to evangelicals in general.

Click here for the complete verbage. Here's a summary:

o Help the poor and prevent abortion
o No same-sex marriage
o Freedom of parents to do essentially whatever they see fit in raising their kids
o Freedom for their religion in any and all public venues
o Minimal interference from government regarding issues pertaining to the environment and consumption of natural resources
o Buy guns
o Reign in authority of judges
o Keep military strong, deal with other nations from strength
o No increase in taxes for the rich

While there is a token mention of the poor in the first point, this seems to me as little more than the utterings from a group that believes they have all the answers and don't want any interference while they shape this nation in their image.

You know, like all the stuff Jesus DIDN'T DO during his ministry on Earth. Of course, this type of mentality aims higher than the example of the Son of God.

How twisted and self-absorbed is that?

1 comment:

  1. I swear these fundi MENTAL ists are living in their own little Kingdoms of their own Minds, assuming that their literal translation of the Bible is the only truth, and everyone else is flawed and Satanic.

    Yet they want to abuse their own children with no consequences(FLDS, Etc.), yet expect others to live by their literal interpretation of the Bible.

