December 05, 2007

Measuring Up

I'm delighted to tell you that I will be a regular (roughly once a week) contributor to the new Family Equality Council Blog. Former known as Family Pride, the organization has rebranded itself and now has some heavy hitters contributing to its new blog. Here's my first one:

I had an experience a few years ago while seeking a new job that readers here can probably relate to. I went to one of these executive placement agencies, fancying myself in that type of position, and discussed wanting to be in better position to take care of my family.

The interviewer said, “Family?” I said “Yes, my wife and mother-in-law.” I’ll never forget the total disdain I saw in his expression as he just looked at me for a moment, then moved along with pitching what he could do for me. I didn’t need someone to validate me or my family, but I sure wasn’t going to work with anyone who viewed me as somewhat beneath his standards of success, I suppose because we didn’t have kids. I just didn’t measure up to whatever this man was looking for, so as Jesus told His disciples when they weren’t well received in a town, I shook the dust off my sandals and moved to the next stop on my journey.

This was nothing compared to what many GLBT families have to face on a regular basis. I merely had to sit across the desk from someone who looked down at me. GLBT families have to deal with that kind of attitude from our society as a whole.

Click here to read the rest of the essay.

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