April 20, 2007

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Worse...

As families and loved ones make plans to bury the victims of Monday's shootings at Virginia Tech, the situation actually took another turn for the worse. Enter Fred Phelps and his band of psychopaths.

I've written about Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS, here before. He gained notoriety by leading his church (almost entirely comprised of family members) to travel across the nation and picket the funerals of U. S. servicemen killed in Iraq. Phelp's twisted justification was that their deaths were a result of and punishment for the nation's embracing of homosexuals (that's a brief summary, you don't want to know more details).

Now Phelps plans to picket the Virginia Tech victim funerals. I only wish I was making that up. Phelps' daughter said, “The evidence is they were not Christian. God does not do that to his servants. You don’t need to look any further for evidence those people are in hell.”

This just in: Phelps has agreed not to picket the funerals in exchange for three hours of air time with conservative radio host Mike Gallagher on Tuesday. I doubt many people reading this blog listen to conservative talk radio, but next Tuesday would be a particularly bad day to check out that program at least. Gallagher's comments seem alturistic enough and his actions could result in sparing these victims' families another layer of pain they clearly don't need or deserve.

As I write this post, there is an ongoing siege at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX where a gunman is on the premisis. If you were uncomfortable with my overtly Christian message yesterday, let me know what you've got that could possibly bring sanity to this world.

1 comment:

  1. What a DEPRESSING post. Does anybody else think that it's just possible that God may actually be punishing the U.S. because we created Phelps and we let him continue in his hateful ways? Just kidding. Sort of.
