March 15, 2007

Anglican Bishop: Coming Out Is God's Work

The openly gay bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson, has robustly defended his position.

While the worldwide Anglican community tries to figure out how to handle the American church, where gas bishops are being ordained and same-sex marriages are being blessed, Bishop Gene Robinson states his case:

"If you want to know my homosexual agenda, it's Jesus," Bishop Robinson said, according to

"I feel that this is a real extension of what I've been called to do in the gospels.

"And I would propose to you that peoples' coming out - gay and lesbian folk being honest about who they are, what their lives are, what their families are like, their desire to contribute to this culture, to serve in the military, to take their place as full citizens of this country - is God at work," he added.

This is a critically important message to share with the GLBT community, and God bless Bishop Robinson for doing it so decisively. Homosexuality is not a curse that narrow minded right-wingers like Albert Mohler want people to think. Just like heterosexuality, it is a gift from God and needs to be used for His glory.

Thanks to PageOneQ for the tip.

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