October 02, 2006

"Religion Gone Bad"-Drifting Away From Jesus

I'm linking to a review over at the excellent site "The Prodigal Sheep" of Mel White's latest book, "Religion Gone Bad." Here are a couple of excerps:

"White traces the development of this movement and its growth in influence through the particular prism of its apalling and utterly inexcusable treatment of LGBT people. Drawing on sociological research into the roots of fascism, he explores the uncanny and extensive parallels between historical fascist movements and the spirit of fascism masquerading as 'Judeo-Christian' morality."

"White doesn't really ask this question outright, but it's hard not to: What is the difference today between moderate-to-extreme Islamic mullahs who preach death to Jews and Westerners in their mosques and whose words incite others to hateful violence, and 'Christian' fundamentalist clergy who preach death to gays and lesbians from their pulpits and whose words also incite others to acts of violence?

There is none."

"If the American Taliban have their way, LGBT people won't merely be pushed back into the closet but will be permanently made second or third class citizens, or worse."

There is some very thought provoking, and scary, stuff here. Check out the entire review, then I suspect you may want to read the book.


  1. I thought you might be interested in this article I wrote a couple of years ago entitled "The Roots of Fascism."

  2. Here is another article that I feel may be appropriate in this context that I thought you might want to read. It's called, "The Illusion of Certainty." See here.

  3. I'm sorry, "The Roots of Fascism" article is here
