October 24, 2005

The KKK and "Christian Family Values"

A while back I wrote about how branches of the KKK are entering into anti-gay activism, and here is another example. On Saturday, November 5, the KKK will hold a rally in Austin, Texas to get voters to vote against gay marriage. The kicker to this story is this quote from the e-mail they sent to ask permission to stage this rally; "We just want to come and encourage people to vote for Christian Family Values."

It is not reported what, if any, group has recruited the KKK to "help out" with their special type of rally. As a Christian, I would instantly lose respect for any religious organization/church that is involved in this campaign that does not clearly and loudly disavow themselves from the KKK. Rational christians can disagree on this issue, but anyone who welcome the KKK to their side of a debate is no longer able to claim that ground.


  1. Kinda freeky when the KKK start to sound like FotF or other such groups.... {shiver}

  2. Austin is a very gay-friendly town, especially for Texas, so I imagine the decison to allow this demonstration may be a two-edged sword. For one thing, it doesn't embroil the city in accusations of being anti-family. And it may even make some people rethink their own ideas when they see the KKK coming out in support of the amendment. As a gay man raised in Texas, it saddens me to see the place apparently slipping into political and religious insanity.

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  4. I doubt the KKK's presence, in and of itself, will change anyone's mind regarding same sex marriage. After all, their agreement with the anti-war crowd regarding Jews and Israel being the reason for the War on Terror didn't make headlines or make people flee. It will all boil down to the way the march is portrayed in the media, which is, generally, friendly to both the anti-war crowd and also proponents of same sex marriage, IMO. The agreement between Americans, in general, and the KKK on this particular issue will be painted in a positive manner for same sex marriage advocates.
